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Q&A with Anna Ayers, Co-Founder of Amazon Beauty Inc. and Rahua

Q&A with Anna Ayers, Co-Founder of Amazon Beauty Inc. and Rahua


Anna Ayers, Co-Founder & CEO of Amazon Beauty Inc. and Rahua. Anna is a Trend Visionary, Luxury Expert & Environmentalist. She is a fashion designer by training, and a trend forecaster by profession, Anna Ayers always treasures the rich colors and textures found in natural environments. Her passion for fashion and beauty has taken her from her hometown in Georgia, to New York City, to the Amazon rain forest.


"The beauty of Mother Nature and the power of women inspire me every day."

-Anna Ayers


We are excited to have Anna join our BURU Tastemaker Tribe and learn more about her amazing beauty collection!

Learn more about this talented mama below, plus shop her curated #momstyle!



The happiness and the hugs!


Priorities realigned and purpose redefined.


Our daughter Bella is 3 and she is a little comedian. She makes us laugh a lot and has a lovable personality!


I have simplified my style a lot, will really good basics, clean lines and shapes; adding details and pops of color that make me happy.


Harriet Hi-Lo Shirtdress

Schafer Short Sleeve Shirt Dress - White

Fiona Frill Sleeve Top - Mocha

Holland Stripe Skirt

Leigh Blouse - White

Kara Culottes

Val Vegan Leather Trousers-Tan

Wendy Window Pane Shirtdress

Shop Anna's BURU Tastemaker Collection >


Shirt dresses, white blouse, flowing pants in soft fabrics, elastic waist skirts


Amazon Beauty and the Rahua brand is a story of passion, truth and a true desire and resolute commitment to do good in the world. We feel very privileged to build this earth-friendly, sustainable business in partnership with women from Amazonian nations. We share the tribe’s reverence for the rainforest and its indigenous cultures. Rahua products are made with ingredients sourced and processed by the women and men in accordance with the traditional methods that have been passed down for generations, and

Amazon Beauty® is ensuring that continues.


Favorite part is creating and developing products and seeing the work we do directly impact the communities we work with in the Amazon rainforest.


At the office in New York City, phone calls, interviews, emails, product development, sales, working with our team at homebase and around the world.


I live in New York City with my husband and daughter, we love to go for walks, go to the park and picnic, visit museums.


Caring, loving and empowering


Mother: gentle

Wife: partner

Business owner: fortunate

Product designer (tech?): inspired

Friend: empowering


Bedtime Story: Goodnight Moon is a current favorite

Lullaby: Twinkle, Twinkle

Vacation spot: Galapagos Islands

Restaurant: Franchia Vegan Cafe


How fulfilling being a mom truly is.


Be the change you wish to see in the world.


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