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Favorite Find: The Proper Peony

Favorite Find: The Proper Peony

I have been following The Proper Peony for well over a year - but sadly, my lack of organization (or should I say my terrible "Morganization") never gets me to the website in time to order their darling dresses in Olive Bee's size before they sell out.  Believe me - they sell out FAST.  They're like the hot cakes of little girls' dresses!

Started by two southern sisters after discovering a vintage dress with perfect pleats and exquisite embroidered strawberries in their parent's home, The Proper Peony brand is bringing back hand-embroidered techniques in sweet and classic silhouettes.  As a mama who dresses her child in her own baby clothes on a weekly basis (thanks MOMO for keeping them) I am in love with the look of everything TPP creates.  When I saw the teaser Instagram post for their new "Busy as a Bee" dress, I emailed them immediately.  No way was I going to let this one get away from me.  I would sooner Olive Bee show up naked on her first day of school next week than wear anything other than this dress.  #truth #obsessed 


Aside from the darlingness of each TPP dress, bubble, or bloomer - their clothes are soft, comfortable, and easy for littles to play in.  As seen above, my "busy bee" had no trouble running circles around me at the park last weekend.

 The "Proper" in Proper Peony is not about being perfect.  It's about dressing little ones to look like little ones.  If you love a classic style with beautiful details in sweet color ways, then no doubt you will love The Proper Peony as much as me and my little Bee!

Pre-Shop the Dress HERE>>


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