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12 Days of Quarantine: Day Four

12 Days of Quarantine: Day Four

You did it! You made it to Friday! Except... it doesn't really hold the same thrill now that every day looks more or less the same, does it? Hang in there, Mama! You've got this.

Welcome to day four!

A Lesson for the Kids:

Anyone up for a family date night? Today, try bringing the whole (immediate) family into the kitchen. Use your favorite spaghetti recipe and have the kids measure ingredients. To add an extra layer of challenge: double it! Make the kids figure out how to double a fraction. Boom: mini math lesson tied in with a vital life-skill: making good Italian food. 

Throw on Lady and the Tramp while you eat. I promise it's allowed! There are no rules right now. Nobody knows what's happening. We're in uncharted waters here, Mama. A movie with dinner? The kids will love it. And, better yet, be occupied for a blissful one hour and 16 minutes. 

Looks for Mom:

All looks featured in our 12 days of quarantine will be marked down up to 50% off regular price for 48 hours. Click any link or image to shop!

Long Sleeve Placket Front Shirtdress - Gold Cotton

I am a firm believer that a shimmery dress makes everything better. Kids having a meltdown because they've been cooped up? Shimmery dress! Grading a homeschool assignment? Shimmery dress! Just ran out of wine? Shimmery... wait. No, that won't help. 

Open Blazer - Gold Cotton

If dresses aren't you're thing, don't worry! We also have a shimmery blazer! Need a parent-teacher conference? Throw this on, plop in front of a mirror, and go over every detail as to why your students refuse to listen to you. 

Woven Stretch Belt - Natural 

Have you ever felt like you need eight hands? Well, adding a stretchy belt might be your newest "mom trick." Tuck extra pencils, some wipes, and a small bottle of Purell right into that belt. Mamas, I'm only half kidding. 

Glam Mom Shades - Gold

As soon as this quarantine lifts, you're bound to spend hours upon hours outside. Beaches? Theme parks? All of the things. You'll need to have a trusty pair of shades ready to go! 

Belted Blazer - Gold Tinsel 

More gold! More shimmer! Why not? Homeschool like a boss in this surprisingly soft blazer that looks just as good with leggings as slacks. 

Vegan Snakeskin Booties - Off White 

These boots were made for... sanitizing every surface in your home? Sure! Why not?

Leopard Headband

Is the CDC yelling at you to stop touching your face? Yes, they are. Don't worry! We are here to help with that seemingly impossible task. A new headband may not solve all your problems, but it will help this one. 

Black and Gold Baubles

What's a shimmery gold outfit without the earrings to match? We don't want to find out, that's for sure!

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