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12 Days of Quarantine: Day 12

12 Days of Quarantine: Day 12

It's day 12! You made it! At least through this blog series, anyway. Hopefully it has been helpful for you, Mama. 

Welcome to day 12!

An Activity for the Kids:

 I'm not going to lie, I struggled to come up with something for the kids today. But as I was browsing social media, I came across @holleygrainger on Instagram. We're making pancake muffins today, Mamas!

What you'll need:

  • 2 cups Pancake mix 
  • ⅔ cup milk 
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ cup maple syrup
  • Add-ins 
  • Muffin pan
  • Muffin liners (or cooking spray)

What to do: Preheat your oven to 350. Combine pancake mix, milk, eggs, and syrup. Add muffin liners to the pan, and scoop the batter into them, about ⅔ of the way full. 

Let the kiddos choose what add-ins they want! Chocolate chips, blueberries, bacon, sausage, cheese... anything goes! About a tablespoon of add-ins is what you're going for.

Bake for 13-16 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.

Looks for Mom:

Click on any link or image to shop! All items marked down up to 50% off for 48 hours only!

Frannie Faux Leather Mini Dress

If your homeschool chic look doesn't include a leather (vegan, of course!) dress, is it even a homeschool chic look? I know I don't want to find out!

Val Vegan Leather Pleated Skrit - Ivory

If a dress isn't your thing, that's okay! We've got vegan leather skirts, too. Comfort level: worn-out pajamas. Style level: a solid 12 out of 10. 

80s are Calling Belt

Are you so bored you're thinking about recreating classing 80s ads to share on social media? Well! We've got the belt for you! 

Gold & Ivory Woven Swing Coat

I've been pitching deep pockets for snack-hiding to you for the past 12 days, and I hope you didn't think I was going to stop now! 

Swing Dress Knee Length - Gold & Ivory Woven

When you buy the swing coat, it's only natural to get the dress to go with it, right? 

Retro Mom Shades - Black Matte

You've probably been going on family walks, but have you grabbed a girlfriend and gone on a socially distant walk sans kiddos? If you can, grab your oversized sunnies and have some girl time. 

The ultimate slide-on-and-go shoe for when you don't want to look more put together than you feel. I know your immediate family members are likely the only people seeing you these days, but still.

I'm guessing that being home all day long hasn't added any extra time for washing your hair. If anything, you've got less time because the kids are everywhere you go, all the time. Spray some dry shampoo and pop a shiny headband on to distract everyone, including yourself! (But pamper yourself tonight, Mama. Wash that hair!)

Knotty Mama Clutch - Black

I know what you're thinking. Why in the world do I need a clutch during self-isolation? The answer is simple. Why don't you? Hide your favorite snacks in it. Why should the kids get all the Scooby Snacks? I'm just saying. 

Water Ripple Dangles

I know I keep talking about earrings during self-isolation, but why not? I'm a firm believer that adding excitement wherever possible is the only way to go right now. 

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