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12 Days of Quarantine: Day 11

12 Days of Quarantine: Day 11

Hey, Mamas! I know how you're feeling––overwhelmed, desperate to send the kids to school, a moment to just breathe. But you've got this! I believe in you. 

Welcome to day 11!

An Activity for the Kids:

 When I was in elementary school, we did a brown paper bag activity that has stuck with me to this day. I don't know why it's stayed in the back of my brain for so long, but now seems as good a time as any to bring it back. 

What you'll need:

  • Brown paper bag
  • Craft supplies for puppets (pipe cleaners, googly eyes, paint... whatever you have is fine)

What to do: Have the kids decorate their bag however they like. It doesn't have to be a puppet! But if it is, that's an extra 20 minutes of occupied time after all this is over, so I'd encourage it. 

Once they've decorated their bags, have them go around the house and fill it with things they love. The goal here is to create a collection of items that represent who they are. The only rule is it has to fit in the bag. That's it. 

Once their bags are full, they can "present to the class," which in this case is likey siblings and parents and perhaps a family pet. Each item is a story and they get to tell it. When you're done, take pictures of what they collected! You can even have them write out why they chose each item. This will be a good keepsake to have around, trust me. 

Other things going on: Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube is full of fun themed yoga exercises to do with the kiddos! 

Looks for Mom:

Click any link or image to shop! Prices are marked down up to 50% off for 48 hours ONLY!

Sleeveless Placket Front Shirtdress

Do you have an afternoon tea party to attend? Might as well put something on to look the part, right? And remember: pinkies up! 

Parker Pullover - Charcoal

It's the most perfect layering piece known to man if you ask me. Pop it on over our shirtdress, or dress up your pajama pants. Whatever you want to do, Mama. There are no rules. 

 Little Bow Dress - Tartan Plaid

If a full tea-length dress isn't your, well... cup of tea... go for the Little Bow Dress instead! It's the same tartan plaid as the shirtdress but in a more casual, laid back silhouette.

Knotty Mama Clutch - Red

I know what you're thinking. Why in the world do I need a clutch during self-isolation? The answer is simple. Why don't you? Hide your favorite snacks in it. Why should the kids get all the Scooby Snacks? I'm just saying. 

Narrow Belt - White

Freshen up your quarantine look with a bright white belt. It is spring, after all. Might as well embrace it however you can! 

Lion Door Knocker Earrings

Has one of your quarantine Netflix binges been Tiger King? Well, Joe Exotic would definitely approve of these big cat earrings, trust me. (And if you decide to watch: consider this your warning. It's... wild.) 

Wanda Walking Shorts


Is there anything better than walking shorts to throw on for your 700th family walk? I don't think so!

9 to 5 Blouse

What would Dolly do during quarantine? Well, she'd throw a dance party in the living room! That's what she would do! 

 Rainbow Snakeskin Heels

Make today's deep cleaning a little sassier! Strut around with that can of Lysol, Mama. 

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