Nicole Gonzalez - NYC mama behind the blog Lillies and Leon is truly a "Jill of all trades". Her two darling children are the center of her world, so she created a career that allows her to work from home doing the things that she loves. With a true talent in marketing and social media strategy, Nicole freelances and works with some of the coolest mama run companies out there—Freshly Picked, Kid & Coe, The LB Brand and Babiekins Magazine to name a few!
Read below as we learn more about this amazing mama and the joy that she brings to so many!

A great, well made coat is essential for any NYC mom. Even with a pair of black leggings you can instantly feel pulled together! Also, knits, knits, knits for the win.
Cashmere cardigan in avocado pink
Split back button down ice wash grey
Shop Nicole's Tastemaker Sale >
I was born and raised in NYC and just can't imagine raising my babies anywhere else. This is home. Our backyard is Central Park which can't get any better and our daily walks are adventures filled with art, culture, and a beautiful sea of people made up of all colors, religions, and style. My children are learning about the world just by stepping outside into our neighborhood and it's a beautiful thing.
My children are my muses. I love capturing their spirit, the messes, the beautiful, picturesque moments when they're snuggled together…all of this is part of their childhood and I want to remember it all.
We live on the Upper East Side. It's relatively quiet but bursting at the seams with charms and loads to do, especially for families. Some of our favorite spots include:
So..Lucas is in pre-k now so the mornings are just for my girls and I. We nurse and stay in bed until about 9 and then we are up for the day. I set a pot of coffee and attempt to answer emails. I set up a blanket on the floor and we play and have tummy time. We nurse a few more times and then I attempt (can you see a trend happening here!) to take a quick shower, get us both dressed, and we are out the door to pick up Lucas, stopping to grab another coffee on the way. After school usually involves a trip to Central Park, play-dates, or crafts at home. We try to make the most of our afternoons and I am always on the look out for fun events happening in the city that we can attend. 7pm daddy is home. I recently started back up at the gym so I'm usually running out the door to get an hour of me time. Once I am back home it's bath time for the kids and our bedtime routine starts. Once both kids are snoozing my hubby and I will snuggle aka collapse on the couch to talk about our day and watch some tv. Then we do it all again!
I'm still struggling to find the answer to this so if you know any secrets please let me in! In all honesty, I find making time for myself each day, even it's just 20 minutes of alone time, helps me regain balance and patience and allows me to a better mom.
Motherly: Loving another human with every fiber of your being. Feeling an all-encompassing love that your soul never knew it was even capable of.
mother: devoted
wife: everlasting
new yorker: die-hard
blogger: evolving
friend: loyal
cravings: Dunkin Donuts strawberry coolatta
what helped you sleep: lavender spray
baby moon: Dominican Republic
push present wish: engraved rings with my children's initials
children's brands: Minou kids, Sapling child, Petite Soul Shop, June and January, Goat Milk
I wish I would have known to embrace my youth and not to have always been in a rush for what was next. I'm living the best days of my life right now, in this very moment, and I am always reminding myself to slow down and live in the now.
"Your life. love it. From the hurt to the wonder. From the bone to the flower. Love it. With everything you've got. It's yours."