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Q & A with Stacey Fraser founder of Pink Chicken

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After 15 years of designing children's clothing for massive brands like Ralph Lauren and babyGap, Stacey Fraser decided it was time to create something of her own.  With her two daughters as inspiration, Stacey began creating (and sewing herself) playful dresses for her girls made of vintage fabrics.  She realized she was onto something major with the great response from her pieces and in 2006, she launched an entire collection of easy to wear dresses in bright, happy colors for girls and mothers. 
PInk Chicken has grown considerably since Stacey made those first few dresses above her garage.  With a flag ship store on Madison Aveunue, and upper east side location, and a darling shop in Amagansett, NY - I think it's safe to say that this mama's Pink Chicken has hatched! 
Read more about Stacey below and shop her full BURU Tastemaker HERE
What do I love most about being a mom?
The unconditional love from my girls.
Motherhood immediately takes the focus off of you and onto
these amazing creatures you now get to take care of.
 I breast-fed with both girls but only did for a few months each. When I went
back to work it was hard for me to find tops to fit . . . I was like a triple E.
I have always loved easy, boho dressing.  I have been a dress lover all my
life and love that you can throw on a dress and feel instantly stylish,
add a necklace and bootie or flip flops and you are set.
Shop Stacey's Complete Tastemaker Sale HERE
When I was designing for corporate companies like Ralph Lauren, Gap and Tommy I was working around the clock and traveling a ton, so after the birth of my second daughter I decided I couldn't go back. I took a year off of work to be with my girls and then started making them dresses above my garage in colorful vintage fabrics I had collected over the years.    I realized pretty quickly I was onto something when people were stopping me and asking me where their dresses came from. . . . and pink chicken was hatched!
A typical day for me and my daughters are 2 drop offs in the morning because they are in 2 different schools, after school most days you will find Sadie dancing at Downtown Dance Factory and Belle is playing basketball. I scoop one or both of them up and head home. . ..walk the dog, order take out, do homework, watch the NY Rangers (hockey), shower and bed. . .then repeat!
Balance is what we all strive for, right?  It's not easy!  The good news is I have a great team at work which gives me the flexibility to leave early when I need to be with family. My husband and I try to have date nights once a week which is realistically once every 2 weeks! Then comes me. . . I do my best to exercise in the morning with my girlfriends, its a great way to stay connected and be social. It's always
something I'm trying to find . . . the perfect balance.
  mother: sensitive/fierce
designer: inspired
wife: thoughtful
business owner: focused
friend: loyal
Bedtime Story: My husband is really good at making up magical bedtime stories,
I would love to peak in on them and watch my girls watching John as he told the story. So sweet.
            Lullaby:  Nothing sweet here . . . my kids have grown up hearing me belting out Bon Jovi at the top of my lungs
            Vacation Spot: We go to Tulum every year with the same 4 families! Our favorite place on earth to unwind and reconnect.
No one can really prepare you for the deep love you feel your children and how things you thought
were important before are no longer. It changes your life completely, in the best possible way.

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