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Q&A with Eva Amurri Martino

Q&A with Eva Amurri Martino


Eva Amurri Martino is the Mom, Wife, Author, and video creator behind Happily Eva After. Growing up in the entertainment industry, Eva was always traveling, exploring new cities, and meeting fascinating people– which has resulted in a love of fashion, beauty, cooking, entertaining, and interior design. Eva currently resides in New York with her husband Kyle, their 22-Month-Old daughter, Marlowe, and a baby boy due in the Fall! With a brutally honest and humorous approach to finding the joy in every stage of life and parenting, she candidly documents her life experiences through her blog, YouTube videos, and social channels.


We are over-the-moon to have her join our BURU Tastemaker Tribe!


Read our exclusive Q&A with her below +

SHOP her #momstyle HERE


I’m just in awe of my daughter daily. I love watching her express herself and teach us more and more about who she is as a person– it’s absolutely the most humbling and inspiring thing to watch your child spread their wings! Also the cuddles don’t suck.


I’m more sure of myself now than ever before– I trust myself more, and I have more respect for myself. Motherhood has taught me to trust my instincts and to be kind to myself– which are things I definitely needed a refresher course on before Marlowe arrived!



Marlowe is 22 months, and such a bright, crazy light. She has been such a strong personality since the moment she was born. Very independent, outgoing, and terrifyingly fearless. But she’s also a total goofball! She takes after me in that way. We laugh a lot together. Right now she is just talking nonstop, telling us everything about everything and inviting lots of imaginary friends over for parties– including an “Alligator, he wants to bite my tushy, Mama!”

We are expecting a little brother for Marlowe this Fall!



I breastfed for four months, and had a pretty tough time with it. Luckily the milk came easily, and Marlowe was a good eater, but I had a really brutal time figuring out how to go back to work and breastfeed. Balancing the two was too much for me. I ended up getting a really debilitating case of Mastitis, and then Shingles, and decided to stop. Lack of chic nursing clothes were the tip of the iceberg for me in terms of figuring out how to integrate breastfeeding in to my world, but definitely a major hindrance! I’m so impressed by companies like BURU that give such a helping hand to Moms who want to do it all.



As a blogger, I still put myself together when I’m working– but when I’m in Mom Mode I’m all about chic comfort items. I think you can run around town in realistic clothing and still look great. I love a beautiful pair of pants or denim with a crisp white shirt and great sneakers or flats. I don’t believe in losing all of ourselves or what we find beautiful just because we’ve become Mothers!





The Longsleeve Tee - White

Yellow Linen Blazer

The Classic White

The Almost Skinny - Wyoming Wash

Artemis Dress - Spree

Diamond Fil Coupe Shirtdress - White

His Cropped Boyfriend Jean - Sierra

Jaha Dress

Striped V-neck Dress

The Blazer

Dolman Oxford Button Down in White 


Every mama should have a beautiful shift dress to throw on with sandals and flats, a perfect-fitting pair of jeans, a crisp white button down shirt (take this in at a tailor to fit your body type!), A chic blazer to dress up even a simple white T, and a great pair of flats that you can run around in.



Right now, we’re spending the summer in Westchester NY. It’s so different from LA (where we have been living for 8 years!) but Kyle and I are born and raised East-Coasters so it’s nice to get back to our roots and show Lowie a Summer like the ones we had growing up! We love exploring at The Stamford Nature Center and Muscoot Farm, and discovering local playgrounds and parks. Compo Beach in Westport CT is awesome for families on hot summer days! We grab an early breakfast at The Kitchen Table in Pound Ridge (Marlowe’s favorite place on planet earth), old school burgers, dogs, and soft serve at King Cone in Katonah, and an early dinner of farm to table Mexican at TRUCK in Bedford. For a special treat, we take Lowie to the Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk, which is so fun.


She’s in school full time during the week, so we make sure to have really special mornings before Mama and Daddy head off to work. Usually we snuggle a little in Mama and Daddy’s bed and talk a little about what will happen that day and night. Then we go together to her room to pick out her clothes for the day, and head upstairs to make breakfast! She loves oatmeal right now, and also “dippy eggs”. I let her watch about 10 minutes of a Disney movie on the ipad while I get her meal together. Then we eat together before dropping her off at school. After that, my own day gets going! Tons of emails, blog housekeeping, and depending on the day meetings in the city or photoshoots for upcoming posts.


Truthfully, I always feel like I’m barely holding it all together. Ha! It will be extremely interesting to see how another little baby fits in to the picture in the Fall! (Yikes) All I can say is that I prefer the word “Juggle” to “Balance”. I think there are always things you are maintaining better than others, and I think it is just about constantly checking in with yourself and making sure that you are feeling nurtured as a woman also, despite whatever tasks are getting completed in the day-to-day. Being organized also helps A LOT. We schedule date night in to our week, as well as one on one playtime with Marlowe. You lose a lot of spontaneity when you have a marriage, kids, and a business, but I’m happiest when my life feels vibrant and full.




To me, Motherly means strong, able, warm, but fierce. I’m always amazed by what Mothers can accomplish when they put their hearts behind something– and especially what we can all accomplish if we band together and support one another.


mother: goofy
wife: nurturer
actress: Retired! Ha.
blogger: Rookie
friend: fierce

Cravings: always spicy things! There’s a cold Korean soup called Naeng Myun that has lots of hot mustard in it and I always crave that when pregnant. Also hot dogs, In n Out Burgers (“Animal Style”), Italian heros with extra hot peppers, Sesame Chicken with Steamed white rice, and Penne all’arrabiata. Sometimes I eat salads because I have to, but I really want all the other stuff!
What’s helping you sleep: Being over five months pregnant with a toddler and a new business, I really don’t need ANY help sleeping! My eyes are closed before both legs are even under the covers.
Vacation Spot/Babymoon: We are going to Bermuda this time! I can’t wait. It will be our first few days away alone together in a year and a half! I miss my husband and just laughing and relaxing with him.
Push Present Wish: I got the most beautiful “Love” ring when I had Marlowe! This time, I’m not sure. I think my husband is hoping I’m so busy that I forget about the whole thing…LOL
Children’s Brands – what have you been buying for baby:
I can’t get enough of Zara Kids. They really have such great things for girls AND boys. I love Jacadi and Pixie Lily Baby for Marlowe when I want to put her in something more classic. And Mini Rodini is great for a more modern and cool vibe. For shoes: Naturino for dressy, New Balance and Native for play shoes, and jellies and Italian leather sandals for summer.

I wish I had known that there is no “right answer” or “right way” of Parenting. I was really stressed in the beginning, trying to follow along with certain ways of doing things instead of adjusting methods to fit our family and our lifestyle. What I know now is that Parenthood is all about being open and okay with the every-changing flow of things. When you hit a phase with your child it’s always just a phase. The good things and the bad things. So now I really celebrate the fun and good phases, and try to relax in to the less fun phases. Childhood is so ephemeral and fleeting, it’s important to find the joy in it even throughout the stress!


“Resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” –Eleanor Roosevelt




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