Destiney Green, aka @momcrushmonday is a local Utah lifestyle blogger that focuses on positive co-parenting, mindful and purposeful living. She's also an aspiring children's label designer. Destiney co-parents her daughter, surrounding her with love even though their family dynamic has changed. She loves to support and encourage other women, and teaches her daughter to do the same.
Read below to learn more about this inspiring mama!
Plus shop her #momstyle on sale this week only!
There are a couple of things I love most about being a mom. I’ve never felt so beautiful and powerful. Raising a young queen who will do great things in her life is such a reward. I love that I have the opportunity to expose her to different people and hobbies that I didn’t have as a child. What I love most about being a mom, is seeing my reflection through my child.
My daughter’s name is Honor, but I call her H in all of my social media sharing. She is three years old and she is a firecracker. She is a West African warrior princess. I swear, in my head she is the next Serena Williams. This girl is going places! She is very driven, motivated and competitive.
Motherhood has changed me in more ways than one. I was talking to a girlfriend the other day, and I was saying how I no longer just “date to date.” It can’t be that way anymore, and it’s a good thing. If I’m giving my time to a man, then I’m considering all aspects of who is is and how he would fit into our lives. I have to be mindful of his effect in our lives. It’s also changed my health for the better. Any health problems or issues with hormones I had prior to being a mom have evened out. She truly saved my life. I’m so thankful for this mothering experience.
I nursed H for two and a half years, and it was the best bonding experience ever.
Yes, my style has definitely changed because I’m more focused on Honor than myself! I need BURU as my stylist!
My must-haves are for sure Ace & Jig! Those amazing pants that can do no wrong!! My favorite!
Milly Couture Fringe Tweed Bolero - BurgundyLemlem Bibi Lounge Pants
Milly Eyelash Fringe Katie Skirt
Sam & Lavi meg Alta Fleece Plaid T-Shirt
Liana Pale Heather Grey Coatigan
Ace and Jig Flicker Dress - Tribe
Ace & Jig Westside Pant - Rail

Honestly, I love seeing motherhood through the eyes of others. I have gained so much knowledge from other mamas of different cultures. If you are raising healthy, happy children then you are the ultimate MomCrush.
Bunmi Laditan is definitely one of my all time favorite mom crushes. She’s just so funny and real. I can’t get over her. She cracks me up! She makes little things that parents go through, funny. It’s so relatable! I also love Sadie from Simply Sadie Jane; she’s another Utah blogger. I have so much respect for Sadie because after she had kids she took the time to care for herself and man, that girl can kick some butt! She’s such an inspiration to go after your goals, and she’s a terrific mama while doing it! Another great mom crush is Chloe from Chloe and Beans - another blogger (can you tell I love my bloggers?!). She’s from Australia and has had 6 kids in three years; and she does it so flawlessly! It’s so apparent how much her and her husband love those kiddos; she is for sure parenting goals!
But truth be told, I have so so many mom crushes! These were just the first ones to come to mind. I love, love, love learning from other women and mothers. They are the real MVP’s.
Be gentle with each other. It’s easy to act out of anger, but it’s worth it to try to be friends. It’s so much better for everyone, not just the children. This is someone you have to interact with on a regular basis, so trying to like them helps a lot!
H and I live in Salt Lake City, Utah; but we think of ourselves as citizens of the world. We travel a lot. This summer we will be relocating for a few months to see and experience new things. While we are in Utah, we like to drive to Park City and play in the snow. SLC is so family friendly, it’s really a tight-knit community and I love that about it!
H and I will get up together and have breakfast every day. Several days during the week we attend classes to help her grow and learn; her favorite is her Music Together class… it’s amazing! She also attends a Montessori school some days while I work. She’s my little sidekick, so we are always trying new things together!
I learned that it wasn’t selfish to take care of myself; because by being my best version of me, I’m being the best mother to Honor I can be. I’m happy and healthy and so is she. I really advocate for mamas to take time to care for themselves. It’s so important and at the end of the day, in the best interest of your children.
Motherly, to me, means being a guide. It means there is a higher standard I need to set for myself, so that I’m only reflecting what I want my daughter to learn. Being motherly means caring for and nurturing another person as they figure what life is all about.
Bedtime Story: We read so many books at bedtime!
Lullaby: You Are My Sunshine
Vacation Spot: I can’t pick just one! I want to see everything!
Restaurant: Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse
Children’s Brands: AKID, Bobo Choses, Animal Observatory, Eve.jr, Caroline Bosmans
How much I was going to love it! People often talk about how hard it is, but rarely celebrate in the joy and fulfillment it brings. I was so scared, but I didn’t need to be.
“You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?” - Rumi