Born in Korea, Demy studied at Parsons School of Design and held design positions at Calvin Klein and GAP Inc. before playing a key role in launching Tory Burch’s first collection. She then moved on the launch her own label, Demy Lee in 2007. Today, Demy works from her design studios in New York, deriving inspiration from the arts, culture and street scenes that the Big Apple has to offer.
I love having and living with these little people who constantly remind me how wonderful and meaning life is.
I feel like I’ve become more positive, accepting…and that it really doesn’t matter at the end of the day as long as we are together.
Yes I did breast-feed, but it didn’t really affect my wardrobe choices. I wore the same things…just a bit tighter though!
I guess I wear more comfortable clothes and definitely more flats and sneakers to run around in! But overall, I think my style and what I like has remained pretty much the same.

I grew up with three sisters and my parents and they have been hugely influential to where I am now. I grew up admiring my dad’s style and it’s still a big design inspiration to me today.
White woven shirt (many!), go-to jeans, basic white tanks and crew t, cashmere pullover, easy to layer scarf.
When I’m in the studio… designing, looking at swatches, inspiration searching in all the galleries and museums around me.
When I’m home….having two young girls keeps me busy! I spend most of my free time with my daughters--driving them to birthday parties and tennis lessons and such...Glamorous, isn't it?
I am very lucky that I have great support from my kids and my husband. Also my wonderful team is incredibly helpful to keep my life balanced. I think it’s how you choose to look at things and handle your life accordingly that makes all the difference.
My office is located in Chelsea in NYC, but I moved out of the city after I had my first girl. My daughters love playing tennis so the courts have become our family spot. We still enjoy what NYC has to offer with its endless restaurant choices, galleries, and museums on the weekends.
Being the person who my kids can trust and rely on.
mother: sweet + sour
designer: understated, classic + current
business owner: running around crazy!
friend: listener
Bedtime Story: George and Martha by James Marshall
Lullaby: usually Disney songs
Vacation spot: Miami Beach (it’s close!)
Restaurant: Basta Pasta (my kids’ favorite)
Children’s Brands: Imoga